The most essential and common cells in the human blood are red blood cells. Their purpose is to exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen and transport it to the body's tissues.
Red blood cells are produced in the red bone marrow of the bones, which then travel throughout the body for four months before being destroyed by the liver to recycle their cellular components.
Stem cells present in the red bone marrow also known as hemocytoblasts give rise to all the elements formed in the blood. If a stem cell becomes a cell (proerythroblast) it will develop into a new red blood cell.
Our body makes about two million red blood cells every day.
If due to some reason your count of RBCs becomes low, it can lead to several issues including the symptoms of anaemia – where you feel weak and fatigued; and therefore to not risk your health even further it’s important to bring your red blood cell count back in the game.
Here are some of the foods rich in nutrients that can certainly help you to increase your RBCs.
Iron is an important supplement needed to form haemoglobin – part of red blood cells that carry oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. Iron is mostly stored in haemoglobin and about one-third as ferritin and hemosiderin in the bone marrow, spleen, and liver.
1. Dried Fruits
2. Legumes
3. Red Meat
4. Organ Meat
5. Egg Yolks
Vitamin B12
The deficiency of Vitamin B12 can cause damage to your nerves and may affect your memory in some or another way. It is also one of the supplements that are important to produce red blood cells.
1. Dairy Products
2. Fish
3. Eggs
4. Meat
5. Beef Liver
Folic Acid
Folic is a type of B vitamin; deficiency in folate can decrease the count of red blood cells and break off the supply of oxygen to the tissues of the body. Folic acid is required for the production of RBCs and therefore helps in preventing the conditions of anaemia.
1. Green Leafy vegetables
2. Lentils
3. Beans
4. Peas
5. Nuts
People who have a vegan diet and older adults who don't consume a variety of foods on their plate may need to take a daily vitamin pill or supplements to get enough vitamins A, B12, B6, E, Iron and Copper As you can see, there are a lot of foods out there that contain an abundance of iron, which is necessary for red blood cell production. We hope this article has been a helpful resource for you, and we encourage you to share it with anyone who you think could benefit from it. If you have any questions or concerns about anything in this article, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always here to help!