Occurring of acid reflux or heartburn happens commonly with most people when it is once in a while, but for some people it is a major concern as they suffer from burning discomfort, bloating, and belching almost every time they eat.
GERD (Gastro-oesophagal Reflux Disease) is a chronic acid reflux condition that approximately 20% of the population have.
Normally, the oesophagal sphincter, a muscular tube that lets food pass into the stomach, protects the oesophagus from stomach acid. Gastroesophageal reflux happens when the lower oesophagal sphincter weakens or damages.
Foods that commonly cause heartburn
● Fried Foods
● Processed Snacks
● Chilli Powder
● Cheese
● Bacon and sausage
● Citrus fruits
● Carbonated beverages
The symptoms of reflux may result from excess stomach acid touching the oesophagus to causing irritation, pain, and discomfort. If you have too much acid in your stomach, you may start including these items into your diet to help manage acid reflux symptoms.
Foods that can help in controlling acid reflux
Fibre Foods
High-fibre foods such as fruits, vegetables, and grains help in reducing acid reflux as fibre acts as a digestive aid when it comes to soothing our stomach.
● Green Leafy Vegetables
● Root vegetables
● Whole grains
Food with Low PH
Foods with high PH exacerbate stomach acid even further. Foods that are high in acid content are citrus fruits, such as lemons and pineapples. Tomatoes are also high-acid fruit which worsens the condition of acid reflux due to high levels of both malic and citric acid.
● Banana
● Fennel
● Melons
Food with lots of water
Watery foods that contain a lot of water helps dilute the acid of the stomach and eliminate the symptoms that cause reflux problems.
● Cucumber
● Watermelon
● Celery
Along with controlling the symptoms of acid reflux with nutrition and a healthy diet, it is also important to make some changes in our lifestyle.
Acid reflux is a condition that can make you feel like you're constantly experiencing heartburn. It's one of the most common digestive problems in India, and it can be caused by a variety of things. Making sure your acid reflux diet is right for you is the first step toward relief. The foods you consume can have a significant impact on how your body responds to acid reflux. We hope you found this blog post useful in your search for an acid reflux diet. Thank you for taking the time to read this!