Stress is Experiencing mental or physical tension. There are many reasons for stress, which include a major change in life. It can be due to a lack of social life, lack of work, or hobbies. The impact of stress on an individual's life can be immense. It may cause Panic attacks, Immunity Decrease, Depression, Dizziness, Fluctuating blood pressure levels, and similar.
Ayurveda has a way to deal with stress and manage it to make daily life Easier. Ayurveda focuses on making lifestyle changes for reducing stress in daily life. Meditation helps you to spend time with your thoughts and make Peace with them. It is found that Mediation works on the Amygdala, which helps to slow the pace of thoughts and help in getting more Calm Mind.
Yoga Positions like Trikonasana, Uttanasna, Virasana, Vrikshasana, Matsyasana, and Baddha Konasana increase the flexibility of the mind as well the body. Thus, help an individual to get a calmer, sharper, and clearer Mind. Some Pranayama like Anulom vilom, Kapalbhatti, Bhastrika also does a similar job. By Practising this Pranayama you get rid of stress, Frustration, and anxiety as this directly affects your nervous system.
Ayurveda also has some herbs that can heal a Person from the inside and relieve stress. Ashwagandha helps to reduce stress by reducing the cortisol levels in the blood. Bramhi boosts brain functions and reduces the anxiety of an individual. Also, Bringraj enhances the functioning of the brain by improving the supply of blood in the brain. There are many such gems in Ayurveda that help an Individual with Stress and Anxiety.
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